Consultation Services

Our OD&L Consultants are here to help!

Our team of consultants are experts in leadership and development who will work with you to find solutions to your challenges. We offer an impartial big picture perspective to help you see the challenges facing your team in a new light and support you in creating a plan to help you lead your team and achieve your goals.

Common consultation categories include:

Change Management

Employee Engagement

Executive Coaching

Leadership Development

Performance Management

Team Culture

Request Consultation Services

The Consultation Process

Our consultation process is designed to be collaborative and timely in supporting you in achieving your goals.

Request a Consultation by Completing the Form

Our team meets once a week to review requests and assign them to a consultant.  Your consultant will connect with you within six business days to get the process started.

Meet with Your OD&L Consultant

During your meeting your with OD&L Consultant, you will discuss your needs and begin crafting a plan to address them. This may be a single meeting or it might be several depending on what goals you are trying to achieve.

Take Action Based on Recommendations

Based on your recommendations meeting, you will need to decide on what actions to take and work to implement the plan you developed with your consultant. Check-in with your consultant as needed.

Close the Loop with Your Consultant

As you put your plan into action you and your consultant will determine if you need additional support. When you are confident in leading your plan we will close the consultation. If you need us again we are just a click away by completing a new request.